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A relative of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett has stated that Barnett had predicted his death, emphasizing that it was not a suicide.

The death of John Barnett, a whistleblower from Boeing, has sparked revelations after a family friend disclosed that he had predicted his own demise, anticipating it would be labeled as a 'suicide'. Barnett, aged 62 and set to testify against Boeing, was discovered dead in South Carolina, USA.

Despite reports suggesting that he took his own life, a family friend named Jennifer revealed in an interview with ABC News that John Barnett had foreseen his own death. 

Barnett was reportedly on the verge of speaking out against the manufacturing processes of the American airline Boeing Company before his body was found in South Carolina.

As a former Boeing employee and quality manager of nearly 30 years, Barnett had raised concerns about the company's production standards, citing potential risks to passengers' lives.

A family friend named Jennifer, who was close to Barnett, revealed that he had predicted his own death, anticipating that there would be a story claiming he committed suicide. However, Jennifer firmly believes that Barnett did not take his own life, stating, "I know that he did not commit suicide, there's no way."

Jennifer mentioned that she and Barnett had discussed the possibility of something like this happening, but she initially viewed it as a mere hunch he had shared. She expressed disbelief at the idea of Barnett committing suicide.

Barnett had recently retired and moved to Louisiana with his mother after a long career with Boeing.

According to the ABC interview, Barnett was fully aware of the substantial complaint he had filed against Boeing, and it appears that he foresaw the significant impact it would have on his life.

After Barnett's death, his attorney emphasized that there were no signs indicating he would take his own life. Jennifer revealed that in their recent conversation, Barnett discussed the retaliation he faced from the aerospace company for exposing unsafe practices.

"He wasn't worried about safety because I asked him," Jennifer mentioned before adding, "I asked, 'Aren't you afraid?' And he replied, 'No, I'm not afraid, but if anything happens to me, it's not suicide.'"

"I am certain that he did not commit suicide. There's no way. He cherished life too much. He cherished his family too much. He cherished his brothers too much to subject them to what they are enduring now," she concluded.

The deceased's friend was resolute in her belief that someone who disagreed with what Barnett had revealed wanted to silence him without it tracing back to anyone.

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